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Welcome to Aviary!

Aviary is a new hosted platform that allows users to easily discover and navigate audiovisual content. Whether you are a researcher trying to find specific audiovisual resources for your work, an organization trying to enhance discoverability of your collections, or a user who wants to watch content online, Aviary offers advanced tools to display, describe, and search audio and video.

The Aviary Ecosystem


Available in our next release, user-based, fully searchable annotations
will be available for all Aviary elements.

The Aviary Users

Public Users

Searching content in Aviary is free of charge! Any content made public in Aviary is fully searchable in the platform. As a public user, you can search organizations, collections, resources, and even transcripts and indexes, as well as navigate content using the different visualization tools.

Ready to start searching?

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Registered Users

As a registered user, you can enjoy all the search features offered to public users. Additionally you have the ability to request access to private content directly from the content administrators. In future releases, registered users will be able to annotate content at any level (collection, resource, media, and transcript/index).

Ready to register?

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Take full advantage of enhanced discoverability for your audiovisual collections! Putting your content in Aviary is easy thanks to our integrations with Youtube, Vimeo, Avalon, SoundCloud, and bulk import functionalities. We offer different plans to fit your needs.

Ready to put your content in Aviary?

See Available Plans!

More about Aviary?

Check Aviary's features to learn how our platform can help your organization provide enhanced access to your audiovisual collections.

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Still have questions about pricing? Get in touch!

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