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Video and Audio Publishing Purpose Built for
Libraries, Archives and Oral Histories

Audience Users

Engage with enhanced content including time-stamped and searchable transcripts, indexes, and annotations.


Discover what Aviary can do for your audiovisual content!

Publish your audiovisual content
with new tools


Enhance discoverability-connect your collections with users and other organizations and collections.

Content Location Flexibility

Enhance discoverability-connect your collections with users and other organizations and collections.

Localized Search

Search accross all organizations, or within a single organization, collection, or content item.

Dynamic Search and Display

Improved navigation of audiovisual content through multiple and synchronized indexes and transcripts.

Customizable Design

Custom headers, footer, and sub-domains for seamless integration into your own website.

Granular Access Management

Manage access to your content through specific permissions for user(s), IP addresses or ranges, and/or email domains.

Out-of-the-box Integrations

Integration with Vimeo, YouTube, Avalon, Wasabi, and SAML 2.0 SSO IdPs.

Custom Integrations

Custom integrations supported for CONTENTdm, ArchivesSpace, Preservica, Kaltura, and other systems—contact us to discuss your needs.

Multi-Organizational Search Portals

Collaborate with other Aviary publishers to stand up thematic search portals (we call them Flocks) for related content or for sibling or related organizations.

Aviary is a lightweight platform that can integrate with your existing workflows.

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Take your audio and video content
to new heights with Aviary

Aviary is the collaboration between AVP and the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. Aviary is a subscription service that brings enhanced publishing, search, and navigation to audiovisual content. Aviary, as a lightweight platform, can integrate with your existing workflows to provide access to your audiovisual assets through time-stamped transcripts, indexes, and annotations, and Aviary can support your automated transcription, transcript editing, and streaming needs. Aviary offers advanced security for private or sensitive audio and video files as well as increased shareability for your content. Use Aviary as an audiovisual digital asset management system (DAMS), or as a collections management system (CMS).

Discover what Aviary can do for your audiovisual content!

How Aviary works

Aviary is the collaboration between AVP and the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. Aviary is a subscription service that brings enhanced search and navigation to audiovisual content. Aviary, as a lightweight platform, can integrate with your existing workflows to provide access to your audiovisual assets through time-stamped transcripts, indexes, and annotations.

Aviary Features

Discover what Aviary can do for your audiovisual content!
Here are a few highlights:


Enhanced discoverability - connect your
collections with users and other organizations
and collections.

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Granular Access Management

Manage access to your content through specific
permissions for user(s), IP addresses or ranges,
and/or email domains.

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Localized Search

Search across all organizations, or
within a single organization, collection,
or content item.

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Content Location Flexibility

Ability to use content streamed on existing
online platforms or by uploading audiovisual
content directly to Aviary.

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Customizable Design

Custom headers, footers, and
sub-domains for seamless integration
into your own website.

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Out-of-the-box Integrations

Integration with Vimeo, YouTube, Avalon, Wasabi, and SAML 2.0 SSO IdPs.

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Custom Integrations

Custom integrations supported for
ArchivesSpace, CONTENTdm, Preservica, Kaltura,
and other systems (ask for more information
about custom integrations).

Learn more
Link to report accessibility issues Report accessibility issues